Okay, I flunked spelling.
Now, this would not be such a big deal, except that I love busting on my Brazilian pal Viv because she insists on spelling labor with a u. Queen's English and all of that. So, it becomes important when I do write something that she might see to actually have my spelling all proper (or at least proper American English) so she has as little ammo to blast me with as possible. Obviously, I'm failing.
Okay, I'm at work once again. On a Sunday, scheduled from 1500 to 1800 (3pm to 6pm for the 24 hour challenged) which makes no sense what so ever. We are getting nearly no calls, i.e., call volume is very low. There are plenty of people scheduled to 6pm who are working "full" days. So why bring in some one for just 3 hours? I have a hard time thinking this is cost effective. But I'm here, and I could use the money, (as little as it is) so I'll take the hours. And what the hell, it lets me type some more here, which has become a bit of a relief.
It is funny, but I have only been doing this "regularly" now for three days, and it already has become a bit of a stress reliever. I find I am actually looking forward to getting to just sit and type and see the words displayed. I have to wonder if it is the rythum of the keys, the sounds of the typing, the reward of having my efforts there to be displayed. The psychology of this simple activity seems to be more than the sum of the actions.
L~ is here, looking very nice in the row across from me. Wearing a white sweater and playing a web based Tetris clone. I haven't been able to find my glasses for the past three days so she is a bit of blur. Nearsightedness sucks. I want to get lasik (laser surgery) and be able to see with out the damn things, but it is expensive. And reportedly, you do sacrafice a little of your night vision. But it would be nice to not have to worry about glasses any more. Fortunately I get paid on Tuesday, so I'll go pick up a copy of my perscription from my doctor and go get new glasses, and then I'll be able to see again.
It is time for a couple of new pair of jeans as well. Both of my "daily wear" pairs have a hole on the right leg just above the knee. I've managed to lose a little weight too, so time to get down a size. Now if I can keep that up. If I was to lose four inches off my waist this year I would be a very happy boy. Just have to find a way to get to the gym, which is more a function of money than transportation or time.
Okay, I'm out of ideas to write about, so off to Pogo to do tumblebees or something like that.
Til next time...
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